Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mommy here

The Mommy here. I have two things to mention.

A) I totally underestimated Huggies. I dissed them here. I worked in a daycare for a long time and got to know what diapers I liked and which I didn't (I remember being pleasantly surprised at the Target brand ones). Pampers were always my favorite. I still don't know about larger sizes of Huggies (my nieces and nephews wear/wore them, and it appears they haven't changed), but the newborn ones: FAR SUPERIOR TO PAMPERS. They hold far more liquid (Maya has soaked through Pampers once or twice- it's like she saves all her urine until her bladder's gonna explode)- they get really heavy, and my little poops-80-times-a-day bambino has yet to blow out of one. They are also great (and that's an understatement) for staying off the umbilical cord, which did us no good because we got them three days after her's was gone, but for the next kid, we'll know! They have a great, scooping "notch" on the front. Pampers had to be folded over, which was a major pain. Anyway, Huggies, you are awesome. Sorry for doubting you. We'll see about your larger sizes (you sent me a $12 coupon to get some, so I got a free package and got size 1's, so we'll try those out when Maya grows some more), but for now, your newborn ones are AMAZING!

B) Nursing is a pain. First of all, we had no idea my poor baby was starving and lost 12 ounces in the hospital (I hate hearing "that's normal." NO, IT'S NOT. Yes, newborns lose weight- especially when they won't wake up for anything the second day of life so they get NO nourishment- that's how Maya was, anyway, and the nurses said it's normal... anyway, back to the weight- when babies lose 10% of their birth weight, it's a major concern. She lost 9%; 10 ounces of it her first day). It half makes me so sick and sad inside, but the other half of me recalls that the night she was starving and crying, every time my mom gave her to me to nurse, she calmed right down, though she was getting nothing (I could "hand express" a drop of colostrum to get her started, so we really had no idea basically nothing was coming out)- she was just that happy and content to be with her Mommy. So that was special. The next day we had to give her formula. We used Medela's "SNS" (supplemental nursing system), which makes it so the baby is "nursing," but getting food (in this case, Similac formula). Then I'd pump for 15 minutes. The first time, I got 1.5 mL. Pathetic. But it gradually increased, and by the last day, I got 35 mL. The sad part is, I thought breastmilk (or in this case, just colostrum) could only stay out an hour (it can be out 6-8 hours! Who knew?!?), and Maya wouldn't always take what we sucked up in the syringe and tried to feed her (one time she even spit it out and it was hilarious!), so we disposed of it. It's very sad that my little one didn't get all the nutrient-rich colostrum I made for her!

So, anyway... home we went with a rented industrial grade breastpump. I nursed, my mom and Ross gave Maya bottles of milk I pumped (once my milk came in, I turned into a cow- I have oodles of it). We even threw in a little formula (at 6 days old she had her last of it- we had company and she was hungry and there was no pumped stuff ready; and I certainly wasn't to the point of being one of those expert moms who can cover herself and nurse at the same time). Since my mom left, I have slowly nursed less and less. I nursed her two days ago around 4am (mostly because I was feeling the need to pump and didn't feel like getting up [she was in her Moses basket nearby so I just pulled her in bed with me- well, I was sitting up, haven't figured out that side-lying position thing. Tried and failed] so it was easier to "empty" myself by feeding her!) then not again until tonight when I decided I really should try. She did well (for 10 or 15 minutes, then she got a bottle 'cause she doesn't do as well on the other side- we tried a few times tonight)... I'm lucky she has a good latch- I haven't hurt at all (maybe a little discomfort from nursing pads rubbing on me!). She's a good nurser when she wants to be, but keeping her awake is the trick, and when I am tired, it's hard enough to keep myself awake, let alone her. Give her a bottle, she stays awake and sucks it dry, then I pump. It takes the same amount of time and is much less of a headache.

If I were more determined, I'd get her to nurse all the time. But I'm not. Pumping is easy and efficient, and I can see how much she is eating (I'm weird like that and like to know). And the whole bonding between mother and child thing... she stares off into space (my boob or armpit) or closes her eyes when nursing. She looks at me with a bottle. Yes, nursing is special- I do feel that (though not as much as they say), I was glad we gave it another whirl tonight, I will keep at it every now and then (at least once a day, as my mother suggested)...

I used to think other women were so silly when they felt like failures for putting their babies on formula. I understand now. If Ross didn't care, she'd have switched sometime last week (when stress was at its height), but one good thing about having a royal cheapskate for a husband (formula is costly!) is that you keep your baby on breastmilk, which we all know is best. I would feel bad if we switched her to formula. My goal right now is to get through 3 months. Then we'll aim for 6 months (they say that is the most imperative time; by then they start to eat some food, so it's not as direly important). I have the capability to give my baby good milk (and some women don't; a friend in my ward brought me dinner early last week and said she doesn't even make milk! So her kids have no other option than formula. Some women don't make enough... there are tons of issues), so I should do it. And I will. But just for the record, it's a pain.


Evansfamily said...

Huggies? Pampers? What happened to cloth?!?!? Just teasing.....but I do believe I told you so :) By the way, she is super cute. I love that you always keep current pics on your blog.

cfrog15 said...

Shannon, I loved reading this post about nursing. I, too, had troubles with nursing (you can read on, as if you had time). I had so many failed nursing attempts, that I ended up pumping for the most part- did that for 6 weeks and gave up. I regretted giving up so quickly, but life has been a TON less stressful since doing so...anyway, all that rambling was to say I totally hear you! And I would support your continuing, stopping, or even doing both BM and formula ;o) You're doing great!

Michelle said...

I have heard a lot of people have trouble with nursing and that it can even be different from baby to baby! It's interesting how things aren't just as "natural" as you expect them to be. Thank goodness we live in the day and age of breast pumps and formula so we have alternatives for our little ones. Being a mom sure does change your perspective on things though, doesn't it?! Diapers, nursing, etc!?

Anna said...

I had a really similar experience with Brennan (my first)... only it lasted the WHOLE first week. He lost over a pound--went from 6 lbs. 8 oz. to 5 lbs. 2 oz., and they circumcised him anyway. He was so jaundiced by this point, too... and I didn't have a clue. When we figured out what was happening--that he wasn't getting anything (he just didn't have a good suck to begin with), I felt like I was killing my baby! It was AWFUL. I, too, pumped for a week or so. I didn't want to use formula. What saved my life (and sanity) was to have a lactation consultant come to my house. She taught me how to teach Brennan to suck the right way. It was tough and I thought I'd never get it. But 2 weeks later, he was nursing like a champ, gaining a pound a week, and we never looked back. It's a tough thing--and you've got to do what you feel is best for you and the baby. Good luck!! Know that you are DEFINITELY not alone... that's one of the best-kept secrets in the world, that nursing is NOT easy, and we women aren't necessarily born knowing how to do it (and neither are our babies--at least, not always).