Sorry for no pictures, but Mommy doesn't have a way to get them off the camera right now...
As of my Oct 26th check-up (where I got a flu shot and only cried for a few seconds, but I was pretty dang mad about it; no swine flu shot for me this year):
I'm 18 lbs, 3 oz.
I'm 28 inches tall.
Mommy never pays attention to my head measurement. It's big enough. In percentiles, higher than height (67%) and weight (38%- the doctor called it "thinning out").
After that we officially retired my infant car seat- I'm too long (but not too heavy!).
I can walk! Just a few steps at a time right now, but I'm starting to do it on my own, not just with prompting.
I say yeah, no, mamamamama, dadadadadadadada, woa, oh, ooh, doo, didididididi, and some other things, but no one is sure if I really mean anything. Mostly I say "dada" and "didi" and like to yell them. Mommy is convinced I said "juice" ("dooo!") the other day. I'm smart like that.
I don't cry very loud, but I can yell really loud.
I fake cry really well.
I like to lick things. Anything and everything. Of course I put stuff in my mouth, but if that's not possible, I lick it. I'll get down on all fours and lick the floor if I feel like it.
I like to eat little bits of bread. I know that Great Harvest is the best.
I don't like baby peaches, bananas (though I'll eat them in combo with other thimgs), or sweet potatoes+chicken. I don't like real bananas, either. They're slimey!
I loooooove juice. Water, too. I like to drink out of big people cups.
I still just have four teeth. My vampire teeth are almost all the way in.
My favorite song is "The Wheels on the Bus."
Sometimes when I laugh really hard, I get hiccups.
I like to "cluck"- click my tongue. I'll usually mimic if you do it first or I hear someone do it. I'll also fake cough at you. A lot. I think it's hilarious.
I think it's funny when I sneeze.
If I don't want something, I push it away with both hands.
I don't believe in cuddling, but still, I'm pretty much the cutest baby in the whole world.