Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Here I am Easter Sunday. The Easter Bunny didn't come because Mommy and I moved last week and he couldn't find us. But he'll come next year for sure because I will be old enough to be so excited about it that Mommy will be sure to tell him where we are. But luckily Daddy was so nice and got me this basket! It had a doll and a little bit of candy and a little journal and markers. Mommy let me eat some of the jelly beans (some I chewed up and spit out) and I ripped a bunch of pages out of the journal because it's lots of fun to do stuff like that.

I am wearing black church shoes that are too big because I found them in my room and insisted on trying them on. I love shoes.

My shirt says "so many cupcakes, so little time." Auntie Cait picked it out many months ago when she and Mommy were shopping at Kohl's (Mommy loves the Jumping Beans clothes). My friend, Isabella, had the pants that match my shirt, so I am borrowing them since she outgrew them.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Miss Maya I should have told the Easter Bunny to come early to my house so he would have been able to find you. I'll make sure he knows next year as well.

Love, Gramma